개인 정보 규약

Tsuburaya Fields Media &Pictures Entertainment, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”) collects, uses, and discloses personal information of our customers and users (hereinafter referred to as the “Customers”, “you”, “your”). We are processing Customer’s personal information (“Personal Information”) both inside and outside of United States. In order to protect Personal Information in United States and countries outside of United States, we have established this Privacy Policy (“Policy”).

In the processing of Personal Information, we will comply with this Policy, the laws and regulations applicable to our processing of Personal Information (“Applicable Laws”).

1. Processing of Personal Information

(1) Acquisition of Personal Information

We acquire Personal Information by legal and ethical methods, and at the same time, devotes its utmost attention to making sure it is used for purposes that are clearly specified in advance. When we ask Customers to provide their Personal Information, we will inform the purposes of acquisition and the details of use of such Personal Information in advance. Processing of Personal Information will be conducted within the scope of our legitimate business purposes and only processed to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in “(2) Purposes of Processing” below.

Personal Information we collect from the Customers includes, but is not limited to, the following information.
Name, sex, birth date, e-mail address, address, postal code, telephone number, account ID, password, inquiry details, and any other information Customers provide us.

Some of the Personal Information is necessary for us to enter into a contract with Customers or Companies to which Customers belong. In case Customers could not provide us certain information when requested, we may not be able to provide them our full support with respect to our services.

(2) Purposes of Processing

Personal Information provided to us will be used within the scope of our legitimate business purposes and to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes set out below.

(i) To deliver information on periodicals, digital content, various services, various benefits and all other products and services;
(ii) To enable Customers to participate in surveys, various events, campaigns, etc., and to inform Customers of the results of such surveys, etc.;
(iii) To respond to and manage inquiries or requests from Customers; and
(iv) To ensure the appropriate and smooth execution of our business operations.

(3) Provision and Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information

We will disclose Personal Information listed in “(1) Acquisition of Personal Information” to our group company, Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. and our business partners, so long as such disclosure is conducted within the purposes and means set forth in “(2) Purposes of Processing” above. As a result of the disclosure, Personal Information may be transferred to locations outside of the locations in which the Customers are located. Personal information protection laws in such transferred locations may not have the same standard of protection with that of Customers’ location. In such cases, we will thoroughly examine the eligibility of the party to which the Personal Information is provided or entrusted and confirm that appropriate security measures are taken in the processing of Personal Information from the perspective of security of Personal Information.

(4) Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Personal Information

If Customers wish to request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to a third party, etc., of Personal Information as permitted under the Applicable Laws, please contact us using the contact channel as shown in “4. Contact Us” below. The Company will usually respond to such request regarding Personal Information within a reasonable period of time, once when we can confirm that the request is made by the data subjects of the Personal Information and the data subjects are eligible to exercise the right under the Applicable Laws.
Customers may also request to withdraw their consent for the Company to collect, use or disclose their Personal Information for any purposes by contacting us in the manner set forth in “4. Contact Us” below. In some cases, withdrawing consent may hinder the Company’s ability to facilitate, process, administer, provide, or maintain services to the requester.
Customers may exercise their rights before and after the Company discloses Personal Information to third parties in accordance with “(3) Provision and Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information” if it is allowed under the Applicable Laws.

(5) Filing a Complaint

Customers may have the right to complain to their local data protection authority, or to a court of law, if their data protection rights are violated under the Applicable Laws. They may be entitled to claim compensation for damages or distress incurred or suffered in consequence of unlawful processing of their Personal Information.

2. Security Measures and Retention Period

(1) Security Measures

We have established a management system and implemented appropriate security measures to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., and to ensure the accuracy and safety of Personal Information. In addition to restricting the entry of unauthorized persons into the office where we process Personal Information and conducting educational activities for all directors, employees, and other staff involved in the protection of Personal Information, we will appoint a person responsible for the management of Personal Information and strive to manage personal data appropriately. For details of the security measures taken by the Company, please contact from “4. Contact Us” below.

(2) Retention Period

The Company will retain Personal Information for those periods necessary to fulfil the purposes to process unless a longer retention period is required or permitted under the Applicable Laws. If the Company no longer needs Personal Information to fulfill their purpose, the Company will delete or anonymize the Personal Information from our databases in accordance with the Applicable Laws.

3. Changes to the Privacy Policy

As part of the Company’s efforts to ensure that we properly manage, protect, and process Personal Information, we will be reviewing this Policy, procedures, and processes in using Personal Information from time to time.

Company reserves the right to amend and update the terms of this Policy at our absolute discretion. Customers are encouraged to visit this Policy from time to time to ensure that they are well informed of the Company’s latest policies in relation to the protection of the Personal Information.

4. Contact Us

Inquiries regarding our processing of Personal Information are welcomed at the following contact channel.
Tsuburaya Fields Media &Pictures Entertainment, Inc.
6404 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 960, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Email: danny@tf-mpe.com